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Here are my LINKS to get & find SOFTWARE in Internet:

G.m.S. Software - FREE DOWNLOAD!

    • DR 3.00 Pro - The best way to launch programs in DOS & Windows
    • DATE95- To launch programs with a fixed date (req. Windows95)
    • CD Reader/Editor 1.10- The best way to create CD-ROMs with full menu control
    • NB: The documentation for this freeware software is (for the moment) only in italian.

Generic Software on the net:

Tucows - This is the best Windows Shareware Site in Internet (here are links to the world)

Stroud's HomePage - A lot of Windows95 Shareware - Find Shareware for all operating systems & computers!

Simtel FTP site - A great site for MS-DOS programs

Specific Software:

DOS Navigator HomePage - An excellent substitute of the Norton Commander

FTP Explorer - The best FTP program for Windows 95 & NT 4.0

mIRC HomePage - The first iRC application.

RealAudio - An excellent plug-in for Netscape

Scitech homepage - UNIVBE/SDD Homepage

Softseek - A great site for Shareware/Freeware

Vocaltec - Home of Internet Phone! - The best Windows95 Software & Drivers

Windows Commander - The best Windows filemanager in version 3.0

WinIMAGE - The best diskcopy util for Windows now in the new (3.00) version!

Other links:

DejaNEWS The best News service on the NET!

Suggestions are welcome...

These pages & the G.m.S. logo are (c)1996-97 the G.m.S. Company.